

研究方向为近岸河口物理海洋,具体包括近岸水动力过程、波流相互作用机制、波流耦合模式的改进、三维水动力以及拉格朗日粒子追踪模式的应用。作为主要参与者,成功地在非结构波流耦合模式FVCOM中添加了涡度力方案,揭示了近岸波浪破碎带波生流机制。通过对波流耦合方案的改进,已成功地构建了马里兰海湾、密歇根湖、渤海及黄河三角洲近岸海域等区域的三维波流动力模式。相关研究成果已在物理海洋顶级期刊Journal of Physical OceanographyJournal of Geophysical Research: Oceans与数值模拟顶级期刊Ocean Modelling等发表,在美国地球物理学会AGU Meeting等国际会议做口头报告与海报展示20余次(包括大会主旨报告、分会场主席、最佳海报)。

目前担任海洋学国际知名期刊Progress in Oceanography, Ocean Modelling, Geoscientific Model Development, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science (ECSS)以及国内物理海洋学高质量期刊审稿人。2018年获评近岸河口权威期刊ECSS杰出审稿人。主持国家自然科学基金、中国科学院、烟台市以及研究所等科研项目4项,国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目、科技部外国青年人才计划、中科院外国青年学者项目等中方合作者。


1. 中国科学院引进优秀青年人才项目,2021-2023500万,主持。

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,寒潮期间黄河三角洲近岸波流相互作用机制研究,2021-202324万,主持。

3. 烟台市双百计划人才项目,2019-2024100万,主持。

4. 烟台海岸带研究所前沿部署项目,渤海溴系阻燃剂的传输过程与机制模拟,2018-202180万,主持。

5. 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目,Mechanism of Bohai Sea coastal dynamics associated with typhoon induced storm surge and extreme waves in changing climate scenarios2021-202240万,中方合作者。

6. 科技部外国青年人才计划,2021-202230万,中方合作者。

7. 中国科学院外青项目,Machine learning for multi-hazard risk assessment in the Bohai coastal zone2020-202230万,中方合作者。


1. 中国科学院优秀青年人才入选者,中国科学院,2020

2. 烟台市双百计划第三层次人才入选者,烟台市,2019


目前在读博士士生3名,硕士生1名,已毕业硕士生2名(其中一位全奖赴英国University of Nottingham Ph.D.)。欢迎具有海洋科学、大气科学、环境科学、流体力学、数值模拟、数学等背景的同学报考,可资助优秀学生参加国际海洋学会议(包括Ocean Science Meeting, AGUCERF),表现优异者,推荐前往美国等海外高校学习深造。


联系方式:电话:0535-2109141; Email:mhmao@yic.ac.cn


1. Peng, J.,Mao, M.*, Xia, M., 2024. Wave spectra analysis on the spatiotemporal variability of sea states under distinct typhoon tracks in a semi-enclosed sea.Journal of Physical Oceanography,54(3), 783-807.

2. Mao, M., Xia, M.*, 2023. Seasonal dynamics of water circulation and exchange flows in a shallow lagoon-inlet-coastal ocean system.Ocean Modelling,186, 102276.

3. Peng, J.,Mao, M.*, Xia, M., 2023. Dynamics of wave generation and dissipation processes during cold wave events in the Bohai Sea.Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science,280(7), 108161.

4. Sahoo, B.,Mao, M.*, Xia, M., 2021. Projected changes of water currents and circulation in Lake Michigan under Representative Concentration Pathwaysscenarios.Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans,126, e2020JC016651.

5. Mao, M., Xia, M., 2020. Particle dynamics in the nearshore of Lake Michigan revealed by an observation–modeling system.Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans,125, e2019JC015765.

6. Mao, M., Xia, M, 2020. Monthly and episodic dynamics of summer circulation in Lake Michigan.Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans,124, e2019JC015932.

7. Xia, M.,Mao, M., Niu, Q., 2020. Implementation and comparison of the recent three-dimensional radiation stress theory and vortex-force formalism in an unstructured-grid coastal circulation model.Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science,240, 106771.

8. Mao, M., Xia, M., 2018. Wave–current dynamics and interactions at the two inlets of a shallow coastal lagoon system under Hurricane conditions.Ocean Modelling,129,124-144.

9. Mao, M., Xia, M, 2017. Dynamics of wave–current–surge interactions in Lake Michigan: A model comparison.Ocean Modelling,110,1-20.

10. Mao, M., van der Westhuysen, A.J., Xia, M., Schwab, D.J., Chawla, A., 2016. Modeling wind waves from deep to shallow waters in Lake Michigan using unstructured SWAN.Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans,121,3836-3865.


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